Refresh Your Nonprofit Skills with Six Free Webinars from Social Impact Architects

Social TrendSpotter
3 min readOct 28, 2021


Leaves changing and falling. Exchanging t-shirts and flipflops for sweaters and boots. As we transition into fall, I hope you have time to think about your own evolution this year. There is probably a lot on your mind. Ours too.

So, as Halloween approaches and we shift toward end-of-year planning and the holiday season, we thought we’d provide a treat for you — a new webinar section on our website — to catalog this new line of our work. While we love in-person workshops, we are grateful for webinars, which provide us all greater access to information — in our own time and space. We have also turned many of them into blog posts, so you can READ, WATCH and SHARE the content!

1 — Nonprofit Trends & Actions for 2021

In this webinar, we share survey results on the top nonprofit trends in 2021, plus tips from our panel of nonprofit financial, social innovation, fundraising and digital marketing experts on actions to take to better answer the call of our communities post-COVID-19. This is the one for you if you want a “treat” before tackling a new strategic plan to support your work in 2021 and beyond!

2 — Governance: Keys to Success for Nonprofit Boards

In this online workshop, funded by the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, we cover everything you need to know about good governance, including shifts in governance related to COVID-19 and how to build an action plan during uncertain times. We also discuss board recruitment and engagement with our special guest, Stacy Caldwell, CEO of the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, and share tips and tricks so you can build a productive board. If you are “frightened” about the impact of COVID-19 on your board, this session will help you up your game in 2022!

3 — Volunteer Management: Five Ways to Show Love to Nonprofit Donors and Volunteers

In this webinar, we highlight how to show love to all your fans, including volunteers, donors and other stakeholders. We have an energetic discussion and panel led by some of our favorite consultant partners — Tawnia Wise of Wise Resource Development and Aimee Sheahan of Sheahan Communications. You cannot walk away from this one without surprising and cool ideas to thank your volunteers!

4 — Strategy & Impact: How to Level up Your Nonprofit Through Strategic Planning & Impact Measurement

In this online workshop, we cover a potpourri of topics related to nonprofit strategy and impact management. We share shifts in strategy and planning related to COVID-19 and how to build an action plan during uncertain times. We also “demystify” many social sector buzzwords. If you are looking for a refresher on nonprofit strategy, this webinar is for you.

5 — Culture 101 & Cultivating an Entrepreneurial Nonprofit Culture

In this webinar, we cover background on the importance of organizational culture and how to uncover your organization’s unique culture. We also share how key entrepreneurial concepts and skills can be applied to nonprofit organizations to make them more sustainable and successful. In addition, we discuss the basic elements of an entrepreneurial mindset that offer a practical framework for entrepreneurial activities. If you want your culture to be “scary good” in 2022, this online session will get your mind racing!

6 — Collaboration

Whether you call it a collaboration, a coalition, or collective impact, this webinar will share tips and templates to ensure your collaborative work is productive, including how to best structure meetings, build trust using charters and ground rules, and measure your existing collaborative efforts. We’ll also discuss how to take your collaborative efforts to the next level through honest conversations on building trust, creating meaningful value for all partners, and managing conflict and power structures. Dress up all your collaborations with interesting tips & tricks in this webinar!

We are grateful to our friends and colleagues that partnered on these webinars, including the Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, the Texas Volunteer Management Conference, VolunteerNow, Wise Resource Development, Sheahan Communications, North Carolina Community Action Association, Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, Atigro, CRCFO and Kelly Strategies. If you need any customized sessions for your foundation, organization or membership group, ping us. We would love to talk to you about these and any other topics we cover for professional development.



Social TrendSpotter
Social TrendSpotter

Written by Social TrendSpotter

Features bite-size posts providing the latest trends and ideas within social sector. Place to be inspired, cross-pollinate, and provoke new thinking.

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